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Vumawear Wholesale Application
There are 4 steps to create an online wholesale account with Vumawear.  Click here if you are an existing retail customer.
  • Step 1 - Provide your Billing information and create a login below
  • Step 2 - Provide information about your business and references
  • Step 3 - Complete the Credit Card Authorization Form and sign our Terms and Conditions (click to view)
  • Step 4 - Receive a call or email from our office confirming your wholesale status and directions on how to place orders online.  Only retail orders can be placed with the login information below until then.
Thank you for your interest in Vumawear!!

Billing Information Login Information
 First Name:  *
 Email Address: *
 Last Name:  *
 Password: *
Passwords are required to be at least 6 characters long and can be any combination of letters (A-Z, a-z)
and/or numbers (0-9).
 Company:  *
 Address:  *
 Apt./Suite:   Confirm Password: *
 City:  *
 Hint Question: *
 State/CA Province: 
Int'l State/Province
 Hint Answer: *
 Country:  *
 Zip:  *
 Telephone:  *
Please choose from the list where you heard about us.  Thank you.  *
 If you chose Fitness Convention, Health Club, or Other above, please provide us the name.    *
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Site design by CML